
How to Take Your First Steps into an Expat Life as a Woman

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Starting your life in a new country as a woman can be an incredibly rewarding and a transformative experience. It offers the opportunity to get to know a new culture, maybe learn a new language, and gain a fresh perspective on life. 

However, before starting this journey, it is important to understand the unique challenges and opportunities an expat life as a woman presents.

My Story

I am a Peruvian-German, who grew up in Ecuador until my teenage years and then moved to Austria. So for me, moving to a new country wasn’t a new experience. However, in the past, I had never emigrated alone, and it had always been organized for me. 

As an adult, I decided I wanted to live closer to the beach, so I decided to move. Planning your move abroad alone is a whole new and scary experience. You have to consider visas, health care system or insurance, language and also for us girls, women’s rights, security and many other things.

Living as an expat woman alone means navigating a new country, culture, and way of life all on your own. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the unknown becomes essential. This journey requires adaptability, resilience, and an open mind. It can be both exciting and daunting, but with the right preparation and mindset, it can also be one of the most fulfilling experiences of your life. 

Now, I live on a Caribbean island in Panama and I absolutely love it! 

The journey to get here, though, was filled with research, planning, and many, many challenges, but it was completely worth it! Now, I want to share my tips so you can start your expat life too.

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Researching and Choosing the Right Destination

If you are considering moving abroad as a woman, you should research a lot to choose the right destination that aligns with your interests, lifestyle, and goals. 

Basic Factors to Consider

The basic factors to consider when choosing a destination include safety, women’s rights, cultural compatibility, cost of living, job opportunities, workers’ rights, and the healthcare system. Let’s get into them:

Safety, Women's rights, and Cultural Compatibility:

  • Safety: Unfortunately, as women, we don’t always have it easy. I don’t think you should restrict yourself from moving to the country of your dreams, but in my opinion, researching violence against women in your chosen destination can make you aware of the current situation for women in the country. Look into rates of harassment, assault, and femicide. How are these crimes prosecuted? Are there resources and support systems available for victims?
  • Women’s Rights: Another important consideration is the general legal and social standing of women in your new country. Do women have equal rights in areas like property ownership, employment, and education?
  • Cultural Considerations: Learn about cultural norms and expectations for women in your host country. Dress codes, behavior in public spaces, and social interactions can all differ greatly. For Example, in Austria, it is completely normal for women to sunbathe topless, in many Latin American countries this is considered very indecent and disrespectful.

2019 Forbes list identified these countries as having higher risks for female travelers: South Africa, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Iran, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Morocco, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Argentina, Chile, Cambodia, Bahrain, Tunisia, United States, and Ukraine.

On the other hand, William Russell’s 2023 list of the 10 most female-friendly destinations for expats includes Iceland, Finland, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, France, Norway, Sweden, and Lithuania.                                   

Cost of Living, Job Opportunities, Workers' Rights:

When moving abroad, you also need to consider the financial aspects. Can you afford it? Research the cost of living and job opportunities (in the case that you do not want to earn money online) to ensure a comfortable expat life.

When you decide to work locally then you need to research the workers’ rights:

Workers’ Rights:

  • Social Benefits: Look for countries offering healthcare, pension subsidies, parental leave, and unemployment benefits. 
  • Paid Vacations and Sick Leave: Minimum paid vacation days and sick leave vary greatly. Research the typical employer offerings in your target country.
  • Worker Unions: A strong union presence often indicates better worker protection. Explore the union landscape in your chosen country.

Countries with the best workers’ rights are Scandinavia, Western Europe, Canada/Australia (strong protections & benefits)

The countries with the worst workers’ rights are some developing & Middle Eastern countries that have limited rights & benefits. Fun fact: the USA has the second-lowest paid vacation days (10 days).

A good Website to look up global workers’ rights is OECD.

Healthcare system:

An expat life offers a lot of adventures, but you need to consider proper healthcare access. Research the system in your chosen country. Here’s what to consider:

  • Public vs. Private: Many countries offer both public (often free) and private healthcare systems. Public systems may have long waiting times, while private systems offers faster access but can be costly.
  • Coverage: Does the public system cover everything, or will you need private insurance? Research coverage details for expats.
  • Quality: Look for information on hospital infrastructure, doctor qualifications, and technology available. International healthcare rankings can be a starting point.
A 2024 report by CEOWorld Magazine ranked countries based on healthcare quality. Italy came in first, followed by Singapore and Iceland. Rounding out the top ten are: Hong Kong, Finland, Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, Monaco, and Norway. The index considered factors like infrastructure, doctor qualifications, cost, medicine access, and government preparedness. 
The List of the worst countries regarding a healthcare system includes many African and Asian countries, but the list is too long. When considering moving to the USA remember that you often need extra Health insurance. 

How to Research?

There are numerous resources available for researching potential destinations. Online forums, expat blogs, and social media groups can provide valuable insights from other expat women who have already made the move. 

Additionally, government websites and travel guides offer information on visa requirements, local customs, and the practicalities of living in different countries.

Making the final decision can be overwhelming, but it is important to trust your instincts and prioritize what is most important to you. 

Consider visiting the destination beforehand to get a feel for the place and meet locals or other expats who can provide firsthand advice. 

Going Beyond Research to the Real Expat Life

You have spent hours researching, comparing cities, and weighing all the pros and cons. And finally have decided on your perfect destination. But before you pack your bags and book a one-way ticket, there’s a crucial step that goes beyond the virtual world: a real-life exploration.

Sure, research is essential. But it can only paint a limited picture. Visiting your dream country, at least for several weeks offers an invaluable chance to experience life as an expat woman there. Here’s why going beyond research is key:

Go beyond being a tourist:

Tourist destinations are carefully curated to showcase the best of a place. Venture beyond the postcards! Explore local neighborhoods, visit hidden places, and engage in daily life.

Connecting with People:

Research can only tell you so much about a culture. Talk to locals, shop at everyday markets, and try to understand the social fabric.

Expat Connections:

Seek out other female expats living in your desired location. They can offer invaluable insights into the challenges and joys of expat life, helping you feel less alone on this journey.

Reality Check:

Is that charming coastal town as quiet as the blogs claim? Do I find everything I need to live comfortably? For example vegan food options, access to the Internet, and a good infrastructure etc. A visit allows you to experience the daily realities firsthand.

City Choice Clarity:

Research might have narrowed down your options to a few cities. A visit can help you choose the one that truly resonates with your personality and lifestyle.

Ultimately, seeing, hearing, and feeling a place in person will give you a far deeper understanding of whether it’s the right fit. You might discover a place you didn’t even know existed, or realize your initial dream city isn’t quite what you imagined.

Think of your exploration as an investment in your future happiness. It’s a chance to avoid costly mistakes and find the perfect expat haven – a place you can truly call home. So, pack your bags with an open mind and a sense of adventure, and get ready to discover the reality that lies beyond the research.

Preparing Yourself Mentally and Emotionally

It is important to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for this transition. Common challenges faced by expats include homesickness, culture shock, language barriers, and feelings of isolation.

When I moved to Panama, I wasn’t prepared at all for the emotional rollercoaster it would be, often feeling alone. And because I work online, I didn’t have the chance to meet new people easily.

I loved the beaches and the landscape, but I was often overwhelmed by the cultural differences that came along, even though I am a Latin American and speak the language. For example, the locals still saw me as a tourist and treated me differently, and I often got scammed (paying higher prices for taxis, etc.). I was also overwhelmed by the system—the steps to get all the paperwork I needed could be very complicated, difficult, and time-consuming.

Additionally, I had to face the fact that the support I had expected from home wasn’t as I had hoped for; instead of encouraging me, many of the people I left behind suggested I give up and return home. Or they would ask me why I was lowering my standards. So, it’s really important to find some support, someone who will encourage you to stick with your plan.

How to Prepare

To cope with the stress of moving abroad, it is important to develop strategies for self-care. This can include practicing mindfulness, journaling, and reminding yourself why you want to do this, maybe through a vision board. Seek support from friends and family who support and encourage you with your decision. Going to professional counselors can also be beneficial in working through the emotional rollercoaster that comes with living in a new country.

Try to engage with people in your new country as much as you can; talk to the cashier at your favorite store or the taxi driver. You can also look for activities that allow you to connect with people, like dance lessons. Don’t make the mistake of isolating yourself because you are shy or scared.

Finding Suitable Accommodation and Settling In

Finding suitable accommodation is an important step in settling into your new life as an expat woman. You can consider factors such as location, safety, cost, and proximity to amenities when searching for a place to live. 

At the beginning, it could be helpful to move into an apartment with roommates or look for a sublet space in a private house. Thereafter, you already have a network of people. 

Online platforms such as Airbnb, Craigslist, or local real estate websites can be helpful in finding accommodation options. However, before booking an expensive room on Airbnb, try to look for private ads for apartments. 

You should also inform yourself if the apartment you want to rent is equipped with everything you need, what you will need to bring along or buy beforehand. 

Once you have found a place to live, it is important to create a checklist for settling in and making the new place feel like home. This can include setting up utilities, registering with local authorities, and familiarizing yourself with the neighbourhood. Try to create a routine and don’t feel the presure to have to expierenced all at once. 

In my first weeks in Panama, I had the feeling that I needed to go to the beach every day, since that was the reason I moved here for. But I ended up more stressed and sunburned. Don’t forget, this is your home. Get to know it and enjoy it step by step and day by day.

Building a Support Network and Making New Friends

Building a local support network is very important to get you to enjoy your new life. Having a community of like-minded people can provide a sense of belonging and support during the ups and downs of expat life. Tips for making new friends in a new country include joining local clubs or organizations, attending social events, and reaching out to other expats through online platforms or expat groups.

Get bold, look for things to do that interest you, and do them. Join that salsa class, or go to that yoga class on the beach. Don’t wait too long, or the long isolation periods will make you feel more awkward and shy over time. 

There are also resources available for finding like-minded individuals. Here on the island, there is, for example, GringoBingo or an activity I really enjoy called Art and Wine. Look on the internet for ways to connect with other expats and locals who share similar interests or hobbies. For example, attending a language course in the local language can be a great opportunity to meet other expats. Expats can also consider joining professional networks or volunteering in their local community to meet new people.

How To Move Abroad And Why It's The Best Thing You'll Do
  • Drucker, Jessica (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 309 Pages - 09/10/2020 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)

Learning the Local Language and Improving Communication Skills

As mentioned before, getting classes to learn the local language can be a great opportunity to meet other expats, However, this is also essential not only to facilitate day-to-day interactions but also to help in building relationships and integrating into the local community. 

Strategies for improving communication skills include taking classes, practising with locals, and immersing oneself in the language through books, movies, or podcasts.

There are numerous resources available for language learning, including online courses, language exchange programs, and language schools. It is important to find a method that works best for you and to be patient with yourself as you get through the challenges of learning a new language. 

Managing Finances and Budgeting for Living Expenses

Now, I know that budgeting is something that is not only important for expats. However, keeping an overview of your expenses and having some money set aside for emergencies can give you peace of mind, especially since you will feel alone and responsible in that situation. 

Therefore, it is important to create a budget and stick to it to ensure financial stability. Tips for managing finances include tracking expenses, prioritizing needs over wants, and, like I said before, saving for emergencies. However, don’t forget to also plan some fun activities and treat yourself once in a while. 

It is important to research the local banking system, and living expenses and understand the tax regulations of your new country to ensure compliance and avoid any financial pitfalls.

When I moved to Panama, I definitely didn’t look into the banking systems, and I can tell you it was difficult to transfer money into my Panamanian bank account for obvious reasons that I hadn’t considered.

Dealing with Homesickness and Maintaining Connections with Loved Ones Back Home

Homesickness is a common feeling among expats. It is important to acknowledge these feelings and find healthy ways to cope. 

Maintaining connections with loved ones back home can be done through various means, such as video calls, social media, or sending care packages. For example, you could have fixed Zoom dates with your parents friends or even your partner. It is important to strike a balance between embracing your new life abroad and staying connected to your roots.

Living as an expat woman can be an incredible adventure filled with personal growth, cultural immersion, and new experiences. By researching and choosing the right destination, preparing yourself mentally and emotionally, and settling in you can make the most of your expat journey.

While there may be challenges along the way, embracing the adventure and being open to new experiences can lead to a fulfilling and transformative expat life. So be courageous and get yourself on this incredible journey as an expat woman!

Moving abroad was definitely the hardest decision I had to make, and the journey to get here, saying goodbye to my loved ones and my old life, was even more difficult. At the end, it was worth it. I didn’t feel like it right away, but I got there eventually.

A last tip I can give you is: be bold, be courageous. If you want to do it, do it! Don’t regret the things you didn’t do out of fear. There is always a solution to a problem!

Key Takeaways

  • To get the most out of your expat adventure, you need to do some researching to choose the right destination for you!
  • Once you have done your research, take some time to actually visit that place and go beyond tourism!
  • You need to understand cultural differences and adapt to new customs.
  • It is also very important to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally before embarking on your journey.
  • try to find suitable accommodation so you can get settled in very quickly and start feeling comfortable in your new country.
  • Build yourself a support network in your old and new home so you have support during the ups and downs of your expat life!
  • And finally, enjoy yourself along the way. This might take some hard steps, but it is an adventure that could end up being the best decision of your life.

If you want to move abroad but are unsure how or where to start, grab my ultimate moving abroad planner. It will help you plan your move with confidence and ease.

Grab your PLANNER here.

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Petra | The Female Marketer

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Hello, beautiful souls! I’m Petra, the heart behind this blog. I’m on a mission to empower women to fulfill their dreams by setting them on the road to a successful online business through digital marketing and a life abroad as a digital nomad, traveler, or expat, building a life on their own terms. It’s time to seize control of your destiny and embrace the life you truly deserve.

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