
Review of the 5-Day Challenge Course by Legendary Marketer

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Legendary Marketer released a brand-new course to learn the fundamentals of digital marketing called The 5-Day Challenge. Learn.Launch.Lead.

If you are already familiar with Legendary Marketer, you probably know their former course, The 15-Day Online Business Builder Challenge, which was priced at $7. They have now adapted the course into a new format to meet the needs of more people, and its price is now only $5. Despite the lower price, the course has not lost any quality; in fact, it now offers even more value.

The amount of information provided in this new $5 course really impressed me. I was already quite satisfied with the 15-Day Business Builder Challenge, but this course has truly exceeded my expectations.

However, this course is designed for beginners to learn the basics of digital marketing. It provides an understanding of how everything works and gives you the main information needed to start. If you require further guidance, you might need additional education.

I also want to make it very clear that if you are looking for something that will make you money quickly, this is not for you. Unfortunately, in the past two years, the perception of affiliate digital marketing has been tainted by people claiming it is a way to make quick money with little effort. This is simply not true. Especially in the beginning, you will have to put in the work.

But without further ado, before I get into the 5-Day Challenge, let me start at the beginning.

Disclaimer: I am an independent Legendary Marketer Affiliate by clicking on my link and making a purchase I earn a commission without any additional cost to you. I value transparency—find more details in my Affiliate Disclaimer.

What is Legendary Marketer and Who is David Sharpe?

First, a little background on Legendary Marketer and its CEO, David Sharpe.

Legendary Marketer offers online courses for aspiring beginner digital entrepreneurs, teaching them all about digital marketing. Within their repertoire are online courses, e-books, memberships, coaching, support groups, and live mastermind events.

The CEO of Legendary Marketer, David Sharpe, has an extraordinary life journey. As featured in a Forbes article back in 2017, Sharpe has overcome obstacles that would have broken many: leaving home at 14, becoming a parent at 16, battling an opioid addiction, and then getting clean and starting anew with his life.

He has managed to build a highly successful business and is a mastermind in the industry. An Entrepreneur article in 2020 called Sharpe “an icon in the internet marketing industry.”

Legendary Marketer’s main products are beginner-friendly and aim to teach you how to start making money online and grow your online business to success. Their courses can be adapted to suit any business model, so the skills you gain can be leveraged across different areas.

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Legendary Marketer's Sudden Change

If you have been following Legendary Marketer or some of its affiliates, you might have noticed a sudden change. What happened? Why did Dave create a brand-new challenge course?

Reasons for the Creation of The 5-Day Challenge

There are several reasons for this decision. Firstly, not everyone appreciated the advisor-led structure of the original course, which required an advisor to unlock lessons after a call. For me, this concept was good and clear because this method ensures that you are well-prepared before you advance further in the course.

Dave recognized his audience’s desire for flexibility and created a course that can be either advisor-led or self-led. Now, you have the option to choose if you want an advisor or not.

Another reason is the length of the original course. Online course completion rates tend to be low, often due to a lack of structure. This is understandable, especially if you have a full-time job and children; there isn’t much time in your day for an online course. 

To help his audience, Dave created a shorter, more precise challenge, making it more likely to be completed.

The final reason for this change is to eliminate the false image of making money online quickly and with little effort. Some affiliates unfortunately promoted this misleading idea. The reality is that it takes effort and time to learn and implement the necessary skills, and it can take time to start making money online. 

Many people give up easily because the reality doesn’t match their expectations.

Dave makes it clear that this is an education. You can learn from him because of his experience and expertise, but you have to put in the work. You need to change your mindset to persevere and be resilient in achieving your goals. 

Now, this course gives a clear picture of what to expect, and you can decide if this is something you want to take on or not. At the end, it only costs $5, so you don’t lose much.

The 5-Day Challenge

Once you have purchased the 5-Day Challenge and signed into the Legendary Marketer Dashboard, you will have the option to choose if you want the course to be advisor-led or self-led.

As I already went through the 15-Day Challenge with an advisor, I chose the self-led option for the new course. Therefore, I cannot specify how many calls you will have if you choose the advisor-led option. In the previous course, I had 3 calls.

I will update you as soon as I find out more.

Day 1: The Foundation of Digital Marketing

On the first day of the course, you will learn the fundamentals of digital marketing. You will be introduced to the four core business models: affiliate marketing, digital products/courses, coaching and consulting, and events and masterminds.

Digital marketing involves selling digital products, but you don’t necessarily have to create the products you sell. However, the eventual goal when starting a digital marketing business is to create your own products.

The easiest way to start is with affiliate marketing, where you promote someone else’s products and earn a commission. This is the first of the four business models.

You can start with any of the business models introduced in the course. They even provide a done-for-you funnel for each model to help you get started with your digital marketing business.

Choosing Your Niche

Dave will show you the essential steps you need to take to start selling digital products successfully.

The very first thing you need to do is choose a niche.

Choosing a niche means finding your spot within a larger market. It’s about pinpointing a specific group of people who share common interests, needs, or characteristics as yours, and then tailoring your offerings to meet their specific desires. For example, if you have experience and passion in face beauty, you might choose a niche like Organic and Natural Skincare or Cruelty-Free Beauty.

During the 5-Day Challenge, Dave provides a list of the Top Niches.

If you want to read more about how to choose your niche, check out this blog post.

Building a Funnel

The next essential step in building a digital marketing business is learning how to sell your products with a sales funnel.

Dave will explain the mechanics of how a sales funnel works and how to set it up:

First, you need to capture your audience’s attention through video content on a social media platform of your choice. This will drive traffic to a landing page where you offer a free product in exchange for their email address. Once they provide their email address to receive the free product, an automated series of emails will be sent to them. Through these emails, you will build trust with your audience, ultimately encouraging them to buy from you.

As an assignment of day 1, you will learn to set up your sales funnel with the tools (funnel builder and email autoresponder) provided by legendary marketer. Additionally, he will offer a done-for-you sales funnel for each of the four core business models.


Day 2: Launching and Content Creation

On day 2 of the challenge, you will learn how to get the attention of your audience and drive traffic to your funnel.

Dave focuses in this lesson on content creation. He explains how important it is to put yourself out there and introduce people to your product by leveraging your social media accounts for free marketing.

Before teaching, you how to create content that features yourself, he concentrates on faceless content. This type of marketing is very popular at the moment because many people prefer not to step out of their comfort zone right away and avoid showing their face.

Eventually, you will want to show your face if you aim to grow a successful business. For example, if you want a coaching business, people will meet you during Zoom calls.

Day 3: Branding and Following

Day 3 is all about personal branding and building up a following on your social media account.

You will learn how to create content that is entertaining but also has educational value. Dave will encourage you to put yourself out there with your own personality and values, focusing on what the person viewing your content wants from you. He emphasizes that concentrating on your looks and how you appear on camera will get you nowhere.

Additionally, JoAnn, a member of the Legendary Marketer Team, will teach you how to build an audience that loves and resonates with you, using the right social media strategy. This includes tips on how to be in front of the camera, what types of videos your audience wants to see, how to get people to stop scrolling and listen to what you have to say, how to deliver value in a short time, and how to gain their trust to share their email address with you.

Apart from Day 1, where you learn to set up all your systems, this lesson was the most valuable. I was really impressed with how JoAnn was able to thoroughly explain and teach all the important components of a good social media strategy.

Day 4: Mindset

Day 4 teaches you the most important part of building a business: your mindset.

The only difference between a business failing and succeeding is the mindset. When starting a business, you need to overcome many challenges along the way. You need to learn to step out of your comfort zone, recognize that failures are opportunities to learn rather than reasons to give up, and take full responsibility for your business. These challenges can scare many people away before they even start, and may cause you to give up before you’ve made it.

The best book I’ve read on money mindset, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, taught me that success might only be one step away from another failure, and only those who persevere will achieve it. Napoleon teaches that with a winner’s mentality, meaning never giving up, you will never lose. On the other hand, a loser is someone who gives up when it gets hard and never wins. A winner will fail over and over again, but with perseverance, that person will always win in the end.

Unfortunately, many people are still very resistant to working on changing their mindset because stepping out of your comfort zone is the scariest thing. This also applies to people who are really struggling with their lives. But why is that? Stepping out of your comfort zone means facing the unknown. You don’t know what’s on the other side, and you have to leave your old self behind, which is daunting.

Dave will explore this topic with you and will also provide you with a tool to start changing your mindset, using the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki.

If you want to check out a list of my favorite books to transform your money mindset, then click here.

Day 5: Business Plan Class

Now we’ve reached day 5 of the challenge, where you will learn how to set up your business plan. In this lesson, you will not only identify your niche and target audience and write your business plan. You’ll also get your hands on valuable templates for email funnels, Facebook ads, a bridge page video script, and ideas for creating content.

Alongside this, you will be presented with the Business Blueprints, an educational program provided by Legendary Marketer to learn everything about the four core business models. If you think you want to pursue deeper learning in digital marketing and need guidance, then this could be an option for you. The pricing is $2,500 for access to all four digital courses plus some bonuses. Inside the Business Blueprints, there will also be Q&As, and you will be able to connect with like-minded people. So you won’t be alone in your journey.

All in all, I really enjoyed the new 5-Day Challenge course by Legendary Marketer. For $5, you get a lot of value, and the course layout is extremely user-friendly. If you are looking into starting a digital marketing business but don’t know what to expect or if this is even something you would like to pursue, then this is definitely for you.

If you are interested, you can check out The 5-Day Challenge: Learn. Launch. Lead here

At the end, I want to leave you with something Dave said that really stuck with me:

“Believing strongly in an intention often transforms into action, driving real change in our lives.”

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